Find where to sign up here on the servers page. New here? Check out the help section below.
Començar a utilitzar Mastodon és fàcil
The first step is deciding which server you’d like to make your account on. Every server is operated by an independent organization or individual and may differ in moderation policies.
La teva línia de temps
With an account on your server, you can follow any other person on the network, regardless of where their account is hosted. You will see their posts in your home feed, and if they follow you, they will see yours in theirs.
Trobes un servidor diferent que t'agrada més? Amb Mastodon, pots moure fàcilment el teu perfil a un servidor diferent en qualsevol moment sense perdre cap seguidor. Per tenir el control complet, pots crear el vostre propi servidor.
Segur pe a tots
We can't control the servers, but we can control what we promote on this page. Our organization will only point you to servers that are consistently committed to moderation against racism, sexism, and transphobia.